Rough Skinned Newt (
Taricha granulosa) found this little dude well hunting for crayfish for a good ol crawfish broil.

This is an Ermine (
Mustela erminea) I saw in Coos Bay, super curious and adorable, but fast and hard to photograph. After 20 mins or so he gathered the courage to walk up and sniff my shoe.

Northwestern Salamander (Ambystoma gracile) we saw well mushroom hunting.

Pacific Giant Salamander (
Dicampton tenebrosus) this guy was huge and badass looking, same forest.

A pissed Red Rock Crab (
Cancer Productis) caught in Newport, he made for good eatin.

This tiny little guy may be a Western Red-backed Salamander (
Plethedon vehiculum) but I am not sure, he was so tiny I would have needed a macro lens. He was also in that same mushroom forest.
looks so fun, I went last year and got like 18 pounds of chantrels in one trip!
the crabs are awesome and that picture of the salamander on the shroom is rad.
eat those salamanders.
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