This may be my favorite picture I have taken thus far with this camera. Not sure what it is about it, but I love how it came out. My professor Alan Shanks fishin for phytoplankton.

Carmel river mouth, this is where the river hits the ocean, I took this picture standing in the waves looking up the Carmel River. If you look, you can see two small Canada Geese and one is shaking out his feathers.

Sun rising over the Carmel Lagoon. The river would fill up this lagoon behind our sight until it was full enough to breach the beach berm and then it would erode it all away and drain into the sea at the spot from the previous photo, tons of birds, good spot to swim.

Eeeaarly mornings, took this right before the sun went up. Cold as shit, trying to get things done at low tide.
1 comment:
meet me where the river meets the ocean.
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