Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wall of death

All the black is a gnarly sand storm, this photo was taken at 7 oclock with the sun fully out. My neighborhood disappeared for four hours afterwards.


Corey Rial said...

sorry all my stuff is landscape. ut pics of my kid aren't that interesting. Maybe I will take the yo on a photoshoot. But since he is always at work maybe just spy on him.

Loren said...

fuck thats awesome! did it mess anything up or just pass by? spy pics of the yo would be rad. we should have a spy pic section. get a spy ppic of a friend and put it up here with "spy pic:name" as the title.

Corey Rial said...

i am into spy pic. that is some next level stuff right there. Just keft a layer of dust in which dust angles could be made


Trovillionaire said...

Brutal. also down with Spy pics.